Noise Radio (with BUMA/SENA license nr: 81128522) is started in 2024 and is a non-commercial independent radio station. We broadcast 24/7 sound art related tracks such as fieldrecordings, soundscapes, nature recordings, radio and transmission art, experimental/electronic audio/music and audio made as a piece of art. We also broadcast live events and relay audio streams from other sources.

Our mission is to offer a platform for creators seeking to showcase their existing and new works, reaching diverse audiences. The call is inclusive, inviting artists at any stage of their careers to contribute to the exploration of radio as a dynamic and experimental art form.

Join us
Would you like to be part of Noise Radio or do you have sound recordings that you think fit into our program and that you would like us to broadcast?
Just send an email to noise[at] with your track (or link) and a short description. (or upload here)

Submitted work is first assessed before it is posted to determine whether it fits into our format. In addition, we exclude content that is aggressive, political, religious or sexually explicit.

We are still looking for people to expand our team. For questions, suggestions about contributing to this radio station or submitting content, please contact Wijnand Bredewold. Via email noise[at] or via DM on Instagram

Founder: Wijnand Bredewold
(also a sound artist)

Creative influencer: Harmke Mailly

Noise Radio