- Description
Sequencing Places [2023, Wijnand Bredewold, 1:57:51]
‘Sequencing Places’ takes you to locations around the world. What you see (for video click on more info below) and hear is a visualisation of recordings made by Wijnand and others (mainly from aporee.org). The recordings last 60 seconds each and are recorded randomly one after the other a sequence is displayed. Initially there doesn’t seem to be anything special about the way it sounds a certain place/place sounds. But the longer you stand there and listen, the better more you are aware of the soundscape, or the experience of it. The sound recording names in this project provide a subjective memory of a certain one event in a certain place. The visualisation of Sequencing Places, does think of the radar image of a submarine, it is as if the sounds are realtime somewhere in the world. more info